Climate change and the catastrophe of Trumpism
Trump’s readiness to allow himself to hold beliefs that are motivated solely by self-interest and his complete disregard for the weight of evidence reflects not only an epistemic failure, but also a...
View ArticleAn open letter to President Trump
If, as you claim, you are an American patriot who loves his country and cares about its future as a global power and its indispensable moral leadership role to make the world a better and safer place,...
View ArticleIs America still a beacon of light to other nations?
The embedded political, economic, cultural, military, and technological achievements of America remained unmatched. We must now rebuild on this strength and fight for America’s soul. This is what the...
View ArticleThe US has to accept North Korea as a nuclear power
We must now accept the fact that North Korea is a nuclear power and rely on nuclear deterrence while normalizing relations in the process. Anything else is wishful thinking, and Kim Jong Un knows that...
View ArticleChild poverty in America is indefensible
The state of poverty in the United States, particularly among children, is abhorrent and scandalous, putting America, the richest and most powerful country in the world, in a shameful light. Suggested...
View ArticleThe ABCs of Trump’s political demise
Republicans and Democrats must join hands and present Trump with a choice to resign or be impeached. Nothing else will save the country but Trump’s political demise. Republicans in a position of power...
View ArticleA party that has lost its soul
If the Republicans continue on their current path and keep swallowing everything that Trump spits out, come November they will pay the price – and deservedly so – for selling their souls while riding...
View ArticleThe dangerous erosion of the US’ global leadership
The Republican party has become complicit in Trump’s mischiefs and misguided policies. It is now up to the Democrats to get their act together, regain control of the House and Senate, and shackle Trump...
View ArticleMurder by Congress
Every legislator who does not act on gun control is complicit in all murders and atrocities committed by the barrel of a gun. They are responsible for all past and future killings of every man, woman,...
View ArticleTrump and Kim Jong Un – sailing on uncharted waters
The changing dynamic of the conflict in favor of Kim, and Trump’s aspiration to reach an agreement that his predecessor failed to achieve, offer a historic opportunity to end a 70-year-old conflict...
View ArticleWhy US must expand, not withdraw, forces from Syria
The US cannot impact the development of events in Syria without a credible and strong military backing to deter any adversary from acting in any way deemed inconsistent with the US’ and our allies’...
View ArticleTrumpism and the value of truth
The onslaught of post-truth is something we must resist with everything in our power, and every means at our disposal – in courts, and classrooms and public discourse. The era of Trumpism must come to...
View ArticleEurope and the Trump Presidency
The UN is widely regarded as an embarrassment and even a disgrace. International law is honoured in the breach. Unless and until the international system can be reformed, a sharp dose of American...
View ArticleWhat should the United States do with the United Nations?
The United Nations cannot be disciplined just by cutting budgets, and there is (marginally) more to be lost by withdrawing than by staying in. While the United Nations is an ugly beast, we are married...
View ArticleAmerican energy policy in the Middle East
In the medium term, the United States must diversify its reliance upon international oil markets. Energy independence was never a credible policy, because energy prices depend upon international price...
View ArticleHow should a modern democracy select its judges?
The chaos and agonies of a partisan Justice Kavanaugh confirmation process may be outweighed by the benefits of political transparency that a public procedure adds to the inevitably political angle...
View ArticleTrumpism and the value of truth
The onslaught of post-truth is something we must resist with everything in our power, and every means at our disposal – in courts, and classrooms and public discourse. The era of Trumpism must come to...
View ArticleAmerica must not live and die by the gun
The answer, Mr. Trump, is not placing armed guards in every restaurant, night club, bar, school, synagogue, church, amusement park, museum, movie theater, bank, hospital, or in every store, every...
View ArticleThe Democrats’ victory can save the Republican Party
The Democrats’ victory in the House offers Republicans in the Senate an opportunity to redeem themselves by collaborating with Democrats on major issues that face the nation, saving the party from...
View ArticleTrump’s New Year’s gift to Putin, Rouhani, and Erdogan
Trump’s haphazard and thoughtless decision to withdraw forces from Syria points only to his abdication of the US’ moral responsibility, not to speak of its global leadership, which has been...
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